12062016 - News Article - Councilman to indicted Portage mayor: Resign

Councilman to indicted Portage mayor: Resign
NWI Times
December 06, 2016 

A Porter County official is calling for Portage Mayor James Snyder to resign in light of the federal indictment recently filed against him.

In a statement released Tuesday, Porter County Councilman Jeremy Rivas, D-2nd, whose district includes Portage, said the indictment could interfere with Snyder's ability to do business with the county on a number of fronts, including joining in on the county's new animal shelter, drainage issues on Willowcreek Road, consideration of building a new North County Government Complex, and upgrading the public safety radio system.

"Having a mayor under federal indictment for bribery and other charges makes it very difficult, if not impossible, for other elected officials and businesses to do business with him," Rivas wrote.

Snyder, who was indicted Nov. 18, has pleaded not guilty. He is charged with alleged bribery involving a towing contract for the city, and for allegedly obstructing tax laws by impeding the government collection of personal and payroll taxes owed by his mortgage business.

Snyder did not respond Tuesday to an email requesting comment.

In his statement, Rivas said, "If James Snyder truly cares for the residents of this great city, then he should step aside and immediately resign, focus on his family and trial, and allow the healing to begin."

Rivas said he released the statement, which he expected to present Tuesday evening to the County Council, because he represents the citizens of Portage.

"I was elected by the residents of Portage and I just think I'm giving them a voice," he said.

Portage currently has its own animal control officers and takes its animals to the Hobart Humane Society, the only city in the county without a contract with the county's animal shelter.

Despite months of negotiations, Portage has yet to sign a contract with the county to use the new shelter, which is scheduled to open June 1.

Snyder also has requested that county officials consider building a county annex along Central Avenue in the city's new downtown area.

"It's not been easy before this indictment to deal with him and this isn't going to help matters," Rivas said.

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